Artistic Works

/Artistic Works
Artistic Works2020-06-18T15:15:42+02:00

Project Description

The Archive also houses a small collection of works by Mosè Bianchi which are part of the family bequests left to the Pitscheiders, descendants by blood and kinship ties with the painters Mosè Bianchi, Pompeo Mariani and Elisabetta Keller. The body of these works, for the most part not large in dimension, is mainly composed of drawings, sketches and more elaborated studies, very interesting in comprehending the technique and compositional skills of Mosè , but also fundamental for a correct understanding on the authorship of his work (to be related to the masterpieces housed in Italian public museums). Some of these works have been exhibited over the years; but most are small masterpieces that have not yet had the opportunity to “introduce themselves” to the general public.

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