

Project Description

Likewise, for the Mosè Bianchi Archive, as for that of Pompeo Mariani and Elisabetta Keller, the most important “treasures” are the hundreds of signed letters written by the artist. This multitude of pages of direct testimonies lived by its protagonist tell us about important artistic events, but also of more personal and family incidents, giving us a picture of what a ” professional artist ” had to face in his daily life. In them you can read about the personal and professional life of Mosè Bianchi, but also a part of the history and events of Milan, the city where the great Brianza painter lived for almost his entire life; but more generally we can recreate, from an advantaged point of view, the cultural climate that was abroad in the 70s, 80s and 90s of the nineteenth century, with all its human aspects and the affairs of public news delivered by successive studies, in a more official form, the history of art.

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