Project Description
In 2017 the Mosè Bianchi Archive incorporated into its collections the study resources that helped create two of the most important books as yet on Mosè Bianchi, written by prof. Paolo Biscottini; in particular the volume that accompanied the great exhibition in Villa Reale in Monza in 1987, ‘Mosè Bianchi and His Time’, and a decade later (1996), the ‘Catalogue Raisonné of the Work of Mosè Bianchi’. Thanks to the sensitivity of the academic who examined the life and work of the artist in greater depth, and to the hundreds of documents and testimonies conserved in the Pitscheider family Archive (heirs of the Bianchi-Mariani-Keller families), today the Archive gathers the most important part of the documentation on the life and work of Mosè Bianchi.